man stuck inside loo roll
Sorry I can't get out of the loo right now

Let Me ask you a question,

What is it that everybody does everyday, but nobody talks about?
Well the answer my friends is the Taboo subject of bodily functions.
Now lets delve deeper and try and unravel a few mysteries.

I know it’s not just Me, But When You go for a Dump, [ Or a Number 2 as the Polite People call it], have You noticed that You can’t help but glance down the Pan before you flush, Is it just a primeval instinct inbuilt into Our nature, Or could it be a pride thing. I.E. I made that Myself without any help from Anyone,

Just Something to Ponder on next Time You’re doing Your Business.
Another thing which has been Bugging Me is Why don’t Animals need Toilet Paper, Could it be that We don’t really need to use it either?
I would feel Uncomfortable without using it myself,

Here’s a thought, what if the poor animals have been suffering all this time, due to a lack of sanitary products that suited their needs.
Could there be a Marketing Opening in the Pet Supplies Industry for things like Doggy Doo Wipes, Budgie Heaven or Fishy Freshie’s [waterproof of course], but where would you put the used ones along with the Animals waste.

I think All the Councils should provide an extra bin for Animal Lovers to Dispose of Animal waste, Okay if You Walk a Dog in a Public Park and it drops it’s load You are expected to put it in a Plastic Bag and drop it in the Bin provided, all well and good,
But if You Put a Plastic Bag of Crap in your Toilet at home, The Council wouldn’t look too favourably on you when it works it’s way through the drains and blocks up the sewage system.
Another thing is if you  put it in the Kitchen Bin it would  Stink the House out and spoil the whole ambience of your Eating experience at meal times , What’s the answer I’m  at a loss.

P.S. I have just received an E-Mail reply off Screwfix, apparently they are not a dating agency.
Oh Well, worth a try.

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